Enroll summer SAT intensive program.
Dates: June and July - Wednesday, Friday and Sunday
August to December: Saturday, Sunday
Time: 09:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Submit online form before joining our programs.
Placement test will be given to determine the best fit level for each student.
The students are grouped by the combination of level, grade and ages.

New 4th grade Class starts on 06/04
The lesson for the 4th grade students will start in June 4, 2024, enroll as soon as possible!

Summer Lessons
All of our regular classes remain the schedule during the summer. All lessons are remotely connected!

Enroll AP Calculus AB/BC Lesson now
The New AP Calculus AB/BC lesson will start in September 1, 2024, enroll as soon as possible!

4th Grade New Lesson Starts enrolling
The 4th grade class starts enrolling, please take the assessment test before the enrollment! Space is limited, only one chance for the year!

Mathcounts and AMC 8 Competition Preparation Program
We start registration for the competition program preparing for 2024-2025 competition. The earlier you get started, the best chance you win in the next year's competition.

AMC 10/AMC 12 Competition Lessons
We have lessons and mock tests for AMC10/12 competition. It is not just existing old tests! It is intense practice. It's hard to win the competition without such a intensive mock test.

Hiring Teachers and Teaching Assistants
If you have teaching experience for Math/English/Science, Please send your resume to us. Alltop School will control the teaching guidelines, and provide teaching materials.

Remote Class Access
We provide remote access to our live session of classes. If you are in other states or you live far away from our school, the remote access is the best way to attend our lesson.
Currently we have students from the following states or cities remotely accessing to our classes:
Other states: Maryland, Florida, California, New York, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama ...
Local: Marietta, Mcdonough City, Peachtree City, ...

Math Problem of the Week
Click here to view the problem and answer sheet...

Math Teachers:

Main Instructor: Math teacher, Dr. Guanghua Chen, graduated from the University of Toronto with major pure mathematics Ph.D, taught the gifted class in the University of Science & Technology of China for 5 years.
He has classroom teaching experience for more than 18 years. He has been teaching in North America since 1997.
He trained lots of students in US to get perfect score for SAT math. He is very familiar with SAT (1 & 2) test structure, strategies, and detail techniques. He has been math competitions coach for many years including Math Olympiad. Too many of his students won champions on different competitions each year on state level and national level.
Other Instructors:
Professor of University of California at Davis Compus
Professor of Huntsville University
and Math Ph. D. graduated in 1999.


陈广华老师 1991-1995任中国科大少年班数学老师


English Teachers:

    Excellent language art teachers from high-ranking high schools and middle schools, such as Northview, Chattahoochee and Johns Creek High School, and River Trail Middle School, Autrey Mill Middle School etc.
    They are currently teaching English in the high school for AP or Language Art Honor classes.


现任美国以教学质量高而著称的 高中和初中英语课程的美国老师 ,来自North Fulton Public High School and Middle School。他们均有 20年到30年的课堂英语教学经验,在 阅读,写作,语法及词汇教学中有 独到方法和秘诀。他们在所在的高 中主要担任AP Language Art老师,持有SAT教员 证书,GHP评委,国家教师协会会员。 经他们教过的学生均取得很大进步 ,众多学生在SAT英语考试中取得满 分或接近满分。